
To get help from Wisconsin Wayfinder, call our statewide toll-free number, 877-WiscWay (877) 947-2929), to connect with free, confidential, referral, and follow up services for children and youth ages 0-21 with a delay, disability, or special health care need. You'll receive friendly assistance and be connected to the appropriate region so you can get personalized support.

Description of Services

Our children’s resource guides are helpers who assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services available through the Children’s Resource Network. They can help you find information about, and access to, therapy providers, parental support, local events, respite care and alternatives, the Children’s Long-Term Support Program, Katie Beckett Medicaid, the Birth to 3 Program, and Comprehensive Community Services.

In addition to our toll-free number, we offer easy-to-follow pathways and relevant content on our new DHS webpages. Whether you're a family that has recently discovered a child may have special health care needs, or a professional seeking resources you can find resources that meet your needs.

(877) 947-2929
Location by County/County(ies) served
Crawford, Columbia, Dane, Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland, Rock, Sauk
Ages Served
Birth - 2 years old, 3-5 years old, Elementary School Age, Middle School Age, High School Age, 18-21 years old
Funding Sources