Listing Category

When a child is newly diagnosed with autism, the cost of resources can be overwhelming. Mercyhealth Development Foundation's Autism Support Fund can help children in Rock and Walworth counties.

Description of Services

The Autism Support Fund was created to help families cover the costs of additional beneficial resources and therapies that have very limited outside funding, such as social skills classes, sensory equipment, safety equipment, respite care, and therapeutic materials.

Wisconsin families living in Rock and Walworth counties with children ages 2-21 who have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder by a licensed psychologist or behavioral health professional are eligible. Your child doesn’t need to be a Mercyhealth patient to qualify.

(608) 755-8821
Location by County/County(ies) served
Ages Served
Birth - 2 years old, 3-5 years old, Elementary School Age, Middle School Age, High School Age, 18-21 years old
Funding Sources