
We specialize in the treatment of children with sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorders, behavioral and social difficulties, developmental delays and feeding concerns. We believe strong parent/child relationships are fundamental to supporting children in their daily activities. By building a strong family foundation, children flourish and families grow together.

Description of Services

occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, mental health services, diagnostic assessments, and parent coaching

(608) 234-5990
639 Struck St., Madison WI 53719
Location by County/County(ies) served
Ages Served
Birth - 2 years old, 3-5 years old, Elementary School Age, Middle School Age, High School Age, 18-21 years old
Funding Sources
Private Pay, Private Insurance, CLTS, CCOP
Location of Services
Center Based
Type of Therapy
Evaluations and Diagnosis, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Feeding Therapy